1. General terms : condition and field of application

The general terms are to define conditions on which a customer can have access to the on-line Sasic catalog on www.sasic.fr or www.sasic.com.
The general terms apply to all services accessible on the Sasic web site.
No term deviation will be accepted without formal agreement by Sasic.
The general terms and enclosure have to be signed by the legal representative of the customer.

2. How to ask for quotation/pro forma

The system is totally secured. Because you enter the system with a personal login and password, there is no doubt on the identity of the person logged into the system. If you validate a basket of products, you ask for a quotation of this basket. Your request will be studied by our commercial department and a pro forma will be sent to you. If you confirm your order after receiving the pro forma e-mailed or faxed by our commercial department, your request will be registered as firm order. If there is a mistake resulting from wrongly selected products from our website and validated in your basket, Sasic will not take back the products delivered. Only the confirmed pro forma is an order acceptance and this gives details on products ordered.

3. How to have access to the on-line catalog

Every Sasic customer can have access to the on-line Sasic catalog if they are registered. Registering is free. To be registered, there is a procedure to follow on the Sasic Web site.
There are two different profiles of user registered: one for user authorised to ask for a quotation, the other one for users authorised to consult the Sasic references only.
The way to ask for a quotation is more detailed in the enclosure.

4. Prices and delivery terms, Delivery time, Payments, Ownership of the goods, Claims guarantee, Jurisdiction

If the order is confirmed, terms will apply.

5. How to activate the customer account

To be registered, there is a form to be filled in directly on the Sasic website.

Annex: Conditions to have access to the online Sasic System

The « system » is composed by the Internet website Sasic, the electronic catalog and options.


1.1 General Principles

The customer is authorised to have access to the system only with the sole purpose of using the information for his activity of dealer or user of Sasic products.
The administrator entitled to create other users’ profiles of the Sasic system for employees of his company. The administrator will have to define the profile of each new user, and declares prior to this that he accepts responsibility for consequences linked to the use of the system by one of the users he will have created.
When the administrator creates a new user, he will have the choice between different profiles: he will decide if the user will only have access to product descriptions or if he will entitled to order.
The administrator will be able to modify or delete profile of new users.
The administrator and users created commit themselves not to communicating their login and password to anyone.

1.2 How to enter the system

To have access to the system, the customer has to indicate his personal login and password. The customer undertakes:
- not accessing to the system without using his personal access codes,
- to immediately informing Sasic if there is a risk of misuse or non-authorised use of the system

1.3 What type of information can you find on the online Sasic system

With access to the Sasic system, you have access to data belonging to Sasic:

• Description of products,
• current and exhaustive/full/comprehensive information on Sasic ranges
• possibility to select references, to define quantities and to ask a quotation for this virtual shopping basket*
• Weight of products and unit of packaging*

(*) : only for users with profile « consult and order »

1.4 Limits of Sasic liabilities

Drawings, pictures, references from car makers or OE suppliers, are given for identification of the parts an have only a guidance value.


It is expressly agreed between the customer and Sasic that the use of personal login and password to access the system will be a real proof of the identity of the user entering the system. To order on the system, there is a procedure to follow:

• The customer accesses the system with personal login and password;
• The customer puts products in shopping basket and validate the basket with description of products, quantities and the delivery address;
• Sasic sends an acknowledgment of receipt to the customer;
• Sasic sends the customer a pro forma for the basket, by fax or other means;
The customer and Sasic expressly agree that a pro forma once confirmed by the customer will be proof of the order whether the basket of products was determined online or not.


• The customer commit himself not to deliver any confidential information he will have access to on the system. This rule will continue after the end of relationship between the customer and Sasic.
• The French laws on data processing and liberties dated January 6th, 1978 stipulates :
• The customer has a right to access and modify data which concern him and which he can exercise with Sasic
• Private data are protected and cannot be used by third parties. The customer has a right to request his being deleted from Sasic’s file of customers.


The customer undertakes not taking any step which can engage Sasic responsibility against any third party.

The customer recognises that drawings, pictures and references are owned by Sasic. The customer can resort to them only for his own use. Without formal authorisation by Sasic, the customer will not have the right to copy or print these data, drawings, pictures and generally speaking will not have the right to resort to these if not only for his own use.

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